Ir. Mart Last

Ir. Mart Last


Mart Last joined the Sharp lab in July 2021 as a PhD student under joint supervision of Thomas Sharp, assistant professor and head of the BioNanoPatterning group, and Lennard Voortman, head of the light microscopy facility. His research is aimed at the employment and improvement of super-resolution light microscopy techniques tailoring to cryogenic correlated light and electron microscopy (cryo-CLEM).


Curriculum vitae:

Mart studied Nanobiology at the Erasmus University of Rotterdam and Delft University of Technology for his Bachelor's degree, followed by a Master's in Applied Physics with a specialization in Bionanoscience at Delft University of Technology. He performed his master thesis in the group of Cees Dekker, studying liquid-liquid phase separation within liposomes as a platform to construct synthetic cells. Besides this, he did internships at the Wyss Institute of Biologically Inspired Engineering in the lab of William Shih, as well as at Delmic, a company in Delft that designs devices for integrated correlative light and electron microscopy. Between his graduation and joining the Sharp lab he worked at Delmic as an experimental physicist, developing a system that integrates cryogenic light, electron, and ion microscopy.


  • scNodes: a correlation and processing toolkit for super-resolution fluorescence and electron microscopy

    Mart G. F. Last, Lenard M. Voortman, Thomas H. Sharp

    Nature Methods, 2023

  • Selecting optimal support grids for super-resolution cryogenic correlated light and electron microscopy

    Mart G. F. Last, Maarten W. Tuijtel, Lenard M. Voortman, Thomas H. Sharp

    Scientific Reports, 2023, 13 (1), 8270

  • Measuring cryo-TEM sample thickness using reflected light microscopy and machine learning

    Mart G. F. Last, Lenard M. Voortman, Thomas H. Sharp

    Journal of Structural Biology, 2023, 215 (2), 107965

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