
"I've spent more time [behind the microscope] than many will believe, but I've done them with joy, and I've taken no notice to those who have said: 'Why take so much trouble?' and  'What good is it?'" (Anthony van Leeuwenhoek)

The members of Koster group are fascinated by the biological structures that can be observed with the electron microscope. Most members of the group are specialized in one (or several) highly specific electron microscopy techniques and have gained experience in applying those to a wide range of scientific questions and biological subjects. Taken together, the expertise within the group covers a very broad spectrum of electron microscopy techniques and accumulated extensive experience. We all love to continue learning and applying novel methods and technique to biological questions.

For general contact, inquiries or how to visit us, please go to the contact page.

Collaborate with us

Please contact us if you are interested in a scientific collaboration, electron microscopy services, or would like to be trained. 

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